Lodge Officers

Lodge is the highest ranking of all Lodge Officers which a Lodge may elect.
The Worshipful Master sits in the East of the Lodge room (symbolic of the Rising Sun in the
East) and directs all of the business of the Lodge.
His position is similar to a President of any other organization. As Master, his word is final over
any and all actions pertaining to his Lodge.

knowledge, diplomacy and, above all, detailed paperwork skills.
The Lodge Secretary is the
backbone of any Masonic Lodge and he holds a position of great responsibility. He sits to the left
of the Master.

right of the Master and behind the Senior Deacon.
The Treasurer is responsible for all financial transactions. He receives all money, pays all debts
by order of the Worshipful Master with the consent of the lodge and renders a report when

In the absence of the Worshipful Master, the Senior Warden assumes the Worshipful Master’s
The Senior Warden of a Masonic Lodge sits in the West (symbolic of the setting sun) and
assists the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the Lodge.

The Junior Warden sits in the South (symbolic of the position of the sun at midday) and 1s responsible for
the Brethren while the Lodge 15 at ease or refreshment.
His position is similar to a Second Vice-President.
The Junior Warden, too, may open the lodge
if the Master is unable to attend the meeting.

The Senior Deacon’s
principle roles are to welcome and escort both visitors and candidates into the lodge and
introduce distinguished visitors.
It is his duty to assist the Worshipful Master and carry orders between the Worshipful Master
and the Senior Warden.

right of the Senior Warden.
The Junior Deacon’s principle roles are to assist the Senior Warden by carrying messages from
the Senior Warden in the West to the Junior Warden in the South and to guard the inner door of
the Lodge.

The Senior Steward is tasked to understudy the Junior Deacon’s position and fill in for the Junior
Deacon when absent.
The Junior Deacon’s principle role is to prepare the candidates during ritual and escort them to
the lodge room and assist the Senior Deacon.

The Junior Steward is tasked to understudy the Senior Steward position and fill in for the Senior
Steward in his absence. The Junior Steward’s principle role is to assist the Senior Steward and
the Senior Deacon in the preparation of the Candidates.

known as the “Outer Guard”. He sits outside the closed door of the lodge room, armed with a
The Tiler’s duties and principle role is to ensure that only those who are duly qualified are
allowed to enter the Lodge Room.

jurisdictions the “Director of Ceremonies”
The Marshal’s duties and principle role is the organization of processions and ensuring the
correct precedence and etiquette in formal proceedings. It is his duty to formally conduct visitors
into the lodge.

The Chaplain is the spiritual leader of the Lodge. While he may or may not be a real-world
Minister, Priest, Rabbi or Imam,… in the lodge, the Chaplain is responsible for non-
denominational prayers at both the opening and closing of meetings, during degree ritual
ceremonies and before meals.